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West Grange Church - West Grange Garth - Leeds - LS10 3AX - 0113 2716067

Help the people to learn of Me,  believe in Me, and obey My words.   Matthew 28:19 (AMP)

SUNDAY SPEAKERS - February 2020

February 2nd

Morning - Geoff Bennett - Real Beauty - Esther 1-2

Evening - Iain Cunningham - Remember Jesus’ teaching

Family Church @11 we are looking at the book of Esther and what God may want to be telling us though it.

In the evening @ 6:30 we will be using Matthew 28:18-20 as a springboard to remember Jesus.

February 9th

Morning - Paul Crossley -  Real Bravery - Esther 3-5

Evening - Wally Bamford - Remember Jesus’ baptism

February 16th      

Morning - Iain Cunningham - Real Threats - Esther 6-7

Evening - Jonathan Aldridge  - Remember Him - Communion

February 23rd     

Morning - Ewart North - Real Victory - Esther 8-10

Evening - Jason Leaner - Remember Jesus’ commision

March 1st     

Morning - Geoff Bennett - Living Hope - 1 Peter 1

Evening - Geoff Bennett -