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West Grange Church - West Grange Garth - Leeds - LS10 3AX - 0113 2716067

Help the people to learn of Me,  believe in Me, and obey My words.   Matthew 28:19 (AMP)

Since the 1940s people have been meeting, first on the East Grange Estate and now West Grange.

We come from all walks of life and are a mixed congregation.

We believe the Bible and follow Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

We preach a life changing message - the good news of Christ.

The church is not affiliated to any organised body or denomination.

We have a good gathering of children on Sunday morning - they have their own classes at 11.00 to 12 noon.

We would welcome more young families to join with us.

The fellowship is caring and warm and we do not want anyone to feel left out.


WELCOME to West Grange

We are a group of ordinary folk who believe the Bible and follow Jesus Christ.

We are a mixed congregation of all ages.

Our singing is lively - a mix of great hymns of the faith with modern inspiring songs.

We would love you to worship with us, be assured of a warm welcome with no strings attached.