We are a small local church situated in the Belle Isle/Hunslet area of South Leeds and run mostly by volunteers. We are an independent evangelical church, with no affiliations, made up of people from all walks of life. We meet in our own building and have been telling the good news about Jesus to the area from our current site since 1968. We added an extension to the building in 2012.
The Bible says that "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that however believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16)
In the 1940’s the minister of Hunslet Baptist church lived on East Grange Drive. A new council estate was built opposite and members of Hunslet Baptist invited children to form a Sunday School. The work grew rapidly and the Rev. C Wooster asked for a smaller house and the manse became a mission of Hunslet Baptist which led eventually, May 1953, into East Grange Baptist Church.
Due to being inundated with Baptist Union material we became an independent fellowship. Yorkshire Baptist Association were gracious to us in allowing continued use of the former manse.
Across the main Road on West Grange Garth, land became available to us. Through the guidance of God, sending a qualified building manager to lodge with a church member, West Grange Church was built and opened in October 1968.
West Grange Church
West Grange Garth,
Leeds LS10 3AX
West Yorkshire
Email: info@westgrangechurch.co.uk
Phone: 0113 2716067
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