2022 - Sermons

Below starting with the most recent are the sermons recorded at West Grange Church that are not part of a series.

We will only be uploading the sermons themselves as we believe it is important that the Church has the opportunity to hear what God is saying to us through our speakers, whether people can attend or not. Although we would encourage you to join us in person as there is something very special when God's people gather together to worship Him.

Love is...

Recorded 6th Nov 2022

Today Fernando unpacked for us one of the most well-known passages in the Bible on 'Love' - a passage often read at weddings. Jonathan read the passage just before Fernando spoke and by request, we have added to the end the new song that we learned this morning "His Mercy is More".

Pride comes before a fall

Recorded 16th Oct 2022

Tony Brown from Sunbridge Road Mission in Bradford gives a very challenging message from Daniel chapter 4 and the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had which was actually a prophecy about what would happen to him if he did not repent and humble himself.

Tony challenged us to speak the truth in love, to trust what the bible says and to look up instead of down.

How to avoid being stagnant

Recorded 2nd Oct 2022

A very challenging message by Wally on what the Church is and also how to avoid being stagnant as a Christian

The Lost Son

Recorded 25th Sept 2022

Today Iain spoke on mercy and forgiveness using the parable of the lost son recorded in Luke 15:11-32 as the basis for his message.

We ended the service with a new song based on the Apostles Creed, which we have left in.

A Beautiful Text

Recorded 18th Sept 2022

Today Geoff Bennet shared with us one of his favourite bible verses found in Numbers 6:24-25 and unpacking for us its full meaning."The Lord bless you and keep you;the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."Numbers 6:24-25 (ESV)

Where are you?

Recorded 31st July 2022

Today Wally asked us where we were and where you are. Do you know Christ, do you have a relationship with him? Did you once come to Christ but are now no longer following him? Wally took us on a trip down memory lane remembering many of the people who have come to faith over the years through the ministry of West Grange Church. Some have impacted many and sadly some are no longer following Christ, where are you?

Taking Jesus' words at face value

Recorded 24th July 2022

Today Iain Cunningham spoke to us from Mark 14 which is an account of Jesus' betrayal, just before he was put on trial and eventually crucified. Jesus prophesied that he would be betrayed, crucified, and killed. He also told his disciples that they would all desert him, but none of them thought it applied to them - they had forgotten who Jesus was, they had forgotten to trust his words, and they did not take his words at face value.

Following Christ's example

Recorded 17th July 2022

Today we had our very own Fernando Fragoso speaking to us. Fernando gave a short message from 2 Philippians 1-11. Encouraging and challenging us to follow the example of Christ in our dealings with each other. Jonathan, who led the service read the passage before Fernando started speaking. We ended the service with a few songs which we have kept in as they were sung with much joy and gusto due to all that God in Jesus has done for us.

What is God like?

Recorded 26th June 2022

Today we had Steve Walker from Hope Comunity Church in Middleton. Steve spoke to us from Luke 15. Jesus in this passage tries to explain to the religious leaders of the day why he spends time with those who are deemed less "respectable or undesirable". Steve left us with many challenges and the ultimate question "What is God like?

Challenging Question

Recorded 19th June 2022

Today we had Iain Cunningham speaking to us from Mark 10:35-52 and tackling Jesus' challenging question to some of his disciples following one of their outlandish requests and the fallout with the other disciples.

Iain challenged us on our own motives when we pray and attitudes to others as well as counting the cost of following Jesus.

The Good Samaritan

Recorded 12th June 2022

Today we had Phil Gomersall talk to us on "The Good Samaritan", a parable (story with a meaning) told by Jesus to some people who were trying to trick him.

The whole message was how we need to love each other with a sacrificial love that is not sentimental. Loving people with that love is a command and is a by-product of us having God the Holy Spirit living inside us.


Recorded 05th June 2022

To coincide with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Geoff Bennett spoke to us on the jubilees in the Bible, as it is actually a Hebrew word.

We did have some technical difficulties during the message.

What is a Christian

Recorded 29th May 2022

In a short message this morning, Wally explained to us what a Christian was and the cost of being a follower of Jesus. In a nutshell, it demands

1. All you are

2. All you ever have been

3. All you ever will be.

He gave various examples of how people have come to faith, some even ministers in Churches.


Recorded 22nd May 2022

This morning Geoff Hoggard gave us some thoughts on Matthew 17:1-21 specifically contrasting the mountain experience of what is known as the Transfiguration of Jesus, when he took three of his closest disciples with him, to the other disciples when they failed to cast out a demon and failed. Geoff brought out the following points.

1. It is in the messiness of life that Christians grow the most

2. The struggle between good and evil, light and darkness is real

3. Don't pretend all is ok when it isn't.

4. In our Christian journey, nothing is impossible with God


Recorded 8th May 2022

This week Alistair Patterson spoke to us from Ephesians 6:10-18.

It is not easy to be a Christian and standing up for Jesus and being a follower of Jesus by its nature brings us into conflict with all that stands against God. Alistair encourages us to just stand when opposition comes and we are in the midst of a spiritual battle, because if we are truly following Jesus, then the battle will eventually come.


Recorded 1st May 2022

This morning we had Jason Learner speaking to us from John 21:1-14, which in some bibles has the heading "The miraculous catch of fish".

Jason started by explaining why he thought this passage was not so much about the catch of fish but more about how Peter's relationship with Jesus was restored. We ended with a song and a prayer which we have kept in.


Recorded 24th April 2022

This morning Wally gave a short message taking inspiration from the theme of Spring Harvest this year of "Restore, Renew & Rebuild" and reminded us that we need the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to do anything of any value for the Kingdom of God in this life.
It was another blessed service where following a change to the last song we had a moment of spontaneous prayer for us as a Church and the Belle Isle/Hunslet community we are part of. We have kept this part of the service for your encouragement, it even continued a bit longer at the end.


Recorded 27th March 2022

Today on Mothering Sunday we had Iain Cunningham speaking to us on saying thank you. In this passage, Jesus heals ten people with leprosy but only one came back to say thank you. Iain brought out 3 points from this passage about saying thank you.

  1. Size of Thanksgiving
  2. Source of Thanksgiving
  3. Significance of Thanks


Recorded 20th March 2022

Today we had Iain Cunningham speaking to us from Luke 11:1-17 which includes the Lord's Prayer.

His message had 3 points.

  1. The Challenge of Jesus

  2. The Confidence of Jesus

  3. The Continuity of Jesus


Recorded 9th January 2022

Today, Geoff Bennet spoke to us from Revelation 21:1-14, his main text was from verse 5 "Behold I am making all things new".

Geoff reminded us that one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth for those who trust and follow God through Jesus. 


Recorded 2nd January 2022

Today, on the first Sunday of 2022 as we contemplate the New Year ahead Wally Bamford challenged us on where we were at with God in our spiritual life. He started by asking these pertinent questions.

1. Do we really believe the bible we claim to believe?

2. What would transform us for the challenges and opportunities in 2022?

Ultimately asking the question "What is the state of your relationship with Jesus?"